Friday, January 22, 2010

Honor Mother Nature

Mother Nature is not for us, she is part of us, and we, like everything else that lives and breathes upon her, are her children. Your own direct connection with Mother Earth is to be encouraged daily. Paint her portraits, swim in her waters, tend to her flowers, stroll through her glorious forests, and care for her many children, all plants, people and animals.
We must live according to her principles and choose not to pollute her body. The alternative is death to our mother and death to her children.

The Great Spirit is our father, but the Earth is our mother. She nourishes us, that which we put into the ground she returns to us, and healing plants she gives us likewise. If we are wounded, we go to our mother and seek to lay the wounded part against her, to be healed. - BEDAGI(BIG THUNDER), WABANAKI ALGONQUIN, 1900's from 365 Days Walking the Red Road, Terri Jean

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